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Fe3O4 Nanoparticles (High-temperature Pyrolysis Method)

Fe3O4 Nanoparticles (High-temperature Pyrolysis Method)

Product Introduction:
Fe3O4 nanoparticles are attractive nanomaterials in the field of material science and biomedicine because of their valuable properties, such as high saturation magnetization, half-metallicity, and biocompatibility. Alfa Chemistry has synthesized Fe3O4 nanoparticles modified with different groups for you to choose.

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Our Products

Oleic Acid Coated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles

PEG Functionalized Fe3O4 Nanoparticles

Streptavidin Coated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles

FITC Coated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles

Magnetic Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Series

Dextran Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles

Oleic acid coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles prepared by high-temperature pyrolysis have excellent magnetic properties, dispersibility and stability. They can be widely used in nanoprobe construction, magnetic resonance imaging and molecular imaging, magnetic hyperthermia, drug carrier and targeted diagnosis and treatment integration research.

Product NameCatalog NumberSurface GroupParticle SizeConcentrationSolvent
Oleic Acid Coated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles (High-temperature Pyrolysis Method)GH-Mag022Oleic Acid5±2 nmSolid powder/
10±5 nm
20±5 nm
30±5 nm
40±5 nm
50±5 nm
5±2 nm1 mg/mLChloroform/n-Hexane
10±5 nm
20±5 nm
30±5 nm
40±5 nm
50±5 nm

Fe3O4 nanoparticles prepared by high-temperature pyrolysis have homogeneous size as well as high saturation magnetization strength. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles have excellent biocompatibility and biomolecular re-modification ability. The end of PEG has groups such as methoxy, carboxyl, and amino groups, which is convenient for coupling with specific targeted recognition molecules to construct targeted nanoprobes.

Product NameCatalog NumberSurface GroupParticle SizeConcentrationSolvent
PEG Functionalized Fe3O4 Nanoparticles (-OCH3)GH-Mag023-OCH35±2 nm1 mg/mLUltrapure water
10±5 nm
20±5 nm
30±5 nm
40±5 nm
50±5 nm
PEG Functionalized Fe3O4 Nanoparticles (-COOH)GH-Mag024-COOH5±2 nm1 mg/mLUltrapure water
10±5 nm
20±5 nm
30±5 nm
40±5 nm
50±5 nm
PEG Functionalized Fe3O4 Nanoparticles (-NH2)GH-Mag025-NH25±2 nm1 mg/mLUltrapure water
10±5 nm
20±5 nm
30±5 nm
40±5 nm
50±5 nm

Streptavidin coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles have excellent biocompatibility and biomolecular re-modification ability. We can provide these nanoparticles in various sizes such as 5 nm, 10 nm, 20 nm, 30 nm, 40 nm and 50 nm to help our customers in their research.

Product NameCatalog NumberSurface GroupParticle SizeConcentrationSolvent
Streptavidin Coated Fe3O4 NanoparticlesGH-Mag026SA5±2 nm1 mg/mLUltrapure water
10±5 nm
20±5 nm
30±5 nm
40±5 nm
50±5 nm

Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles have excellent biocompatibility and fluorescein loading capacity.  We can provide 10 nm of these nanoparticles to help customers with their research.

Product NameCatalog NumberSurface GroupParticle SizeConcentrationSolvent
FITC Coated Fe3O4 NanoparticlesGH-Mag027FITC10±5 nm1 mg/mLUltrapure water

Magnetic mesoporous silica nanoparticles are a series of composite nanoparticles with superparamagnetic Fe3O4 as the core and mesoporous silica as the shell. They have highly ordered mesoporous structure, good chemical and thermal stability, and a large number of easily modified hydroxyl and amino functional groups on the surface. They are widely used in biomedical fields such as drug carriers, biocatalysis, bioimaging and sensors, disease diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging, and intelligent drug release.

Product NameCatalog NumberSurface GroupParticle SizeConcentrationSolvent
Magnetic Mesoporous Silica NanoparticlesGH-Mag028-OH80-100 nm5 mg/mLPure water
Carboxyl Modified Magnetic Mesoporous Silica NanoparticlesGH-Mag029-COOH80-100 nm5 mg/mLPure water
Amino Modified Magnetic Mesoporous Silica NanoparticlesGH-Mag030-NH280-100 nm5 mg/mLPure water
PEG Modified Magnetic Mesoporous Silica NanoparticlesGH-Mag031-COOH80-100 nm5 mg/mLPure water
PEI Modified Magnetic Mesoporous Silica NanoparticlesGH-Mag032-NH280-100 nm5 mg/mLPure water

Dextran coated magnetic nanoparticles have excellent biocompatibility, anti-nonspecific adsorption and biomolecular re-modification ability. They can be covalently coupled with specific targeted recognition molecules to construct targeted nanoprobes for biomedical fields.

Product NameCatalog NumberSurface GroupParticle SizeConcentrationSolvent
Dextran Coated Magnetic NanoparticlesGH-Mag033Dextran10±5 nm1 mg/mLPure water
20±5 nm
30±5 nm
40±5 nm
50±5 nm

You Need to Know

Unless otherwise stated, our Fe3O4 nanoparticles are usually stored in a 4 °C refrigerator.

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Our products are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purposes.

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